Capital Smack

Privacy Policy

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Risk Disclosure

The information provided is for educational purposes only. Our intention is not to provide any financial advice, investment advice, trading advice, or any other advice.

This is general information & is not explicit to you or anyone else do not take any action unless you are set up to continue an


Your misfortune could incorporate cash you contributed just as commissions & exchange charges.

Without the consultation of any professional. We strictly recommend you, not make any decisions, finances, investments, trading, or otherwise. Please understand that using this information would be totally at your own risk

Capitalsmack is a product developed focusing individuals, who would like to generate consistent profit without spending their time on trading.

Our privacy policy is a part of Terms of Services. treats every user as a family member of and we take care of all our family members with our excellent service and strict privacy policy. You are our family member and your privacy is our responsibility. Hence, we never sell your information. Period.

Third Party Advertisements: is an advertisement free website. We respect the privacy of our family members and hence we do not share your details with the advertisers.We do not even accept third party advertisement proposals.

We store your information with the only motive to help you find the best broker in the industry that matches your requirements & provide the better service.

We use your information to:

1) Understand your requirements to serve you better: When you fill the form, we get to know about your stock market investment related requirements such as; whether you are dependent investor or independent investor, trader or investor, your area of investment, frequency of investment. According to your requirements we provide you the list of your best match brokers & then we help you in comparing those best match brokers. So, when you provide the information, we use your information to understand your exact requirements & concentrate on the brokers who have the facilities, services and charges that match your requirements.

2) Improve our website and customer service
3) Offer you’re the better User Interface (UI) and services.
4) Provide you the information about new products and their details
5) Provide you the market updates and research papers through email
6) Help you to find best match brokerage firms according to your requirements

Anonymous Information:

We may store some anonymous information such as: IP address, type of the browser, demographic information, name of the city, mobile device etc. to provide you better user experience and technical support. We analyse this information at an aggregate level to provide you the better service. We do not analyse this information at an individual level.


We may store the cookies in your hard drive for the better user experience. You could easily disable it through web browser setting whenever you want.

External Links & Affiliate links: provides links of other website for the reference of some topics, so that you could understand the topic in depth. We sometime provide links to affiliates. We are not responsible for the availability of the product, services and content available on the website of affiliates.


We use various security tools and measures to secure your information.

As you know, we provide you your best suited/match brokerage firms based on your requirements and hence we store your basic information such as name, email ID, phone no, your requirement that you fill in the form to provide you with the list of brokerage firms that exactly match your requirements. reserves the right to use your information to provide you the best service.

We do not share your information with any broker directly. Once you choose a broker or bank with whom you want to open a Demat account, then only we share your details with the broker so that the broker could start your Demat account opening process.

If you do not want us to contact just drop a mail at and we will not contact or email you.

At, we collect the only information which is necessary to serve you better and we never collect more information than necessary. We might show your appreciation mail or comment in our website’s testimonial section.

If you any questions for us, please feel free to ask us at